
Showing posts from 2009


Pre-Christmas in St. Louis

No such thing as common scents

FCBB on the BBC (but act ASAP)

Press Clippings from the Tour

Tour's End

Dis-connecting flights

Monday night thoughts

To the victor goes the spoiled

U.S. Open Brass Championship - 2009

Great expectations ... and humble realizations

Open Box

Where the Other Half Lives, part I

Lotta bot

I want to wring her neck, but you can't say that about women

Not happiness, but money WILL buy you money.

I've been doing "blogging" incorrectly!

Fall Cleaning

Do shut up, sirs and madams!


Is it enough to have "good music"?

Into every life, a little Fall must reign.

It's not triangle trade...

Why did it have to be my GRABBING hand?

Wireless whee!

Paper paper paper paper... new mouse

Atropos has a quirky sense of timing.

So lets talk "Twilight"

Look who's still awake.

Insomnia again

I hope they recycled it...

Academics isn't pretty

Cut to the chase

So THAT'S a text message...

And I hated Scarlett O'Hara! (part I) with Voice Messaging

Soles on board

Twilight's dawn

A pleasant evening. And yet...

Awkward first date conversation ... with another man.

Andy and the DMV: The Sequalizing

Birthday Thursday

The "Fifty Isn't Old" Folks Home

Curiosity Killed the Relationship