Sunday morning ritual

I stocked up this morning on my typical Sunday morning feast of vituperation and invective. Nothing invigorates the blood like condeming those who don't think as you do. How fortunate to live in a part of the world where some thoughts can be expressed without (too much) fear of irrational violence.

While channel surfing, I was reminded of the Bande of Merrie Heathens. Soldier on in opposition, goodly men and ladies, for if you look for sense and pluralism pouring from Pastor J.'s mouth, ye shall inherit the dearth.


  1. That's uplifting......jk

    Maybe try TV Land instead of the news?

  2. I don't see why you choose to dilibratly (sp?) watch stuff that angers you. And why watch TV at all. There are enough idiots in the real world without letting them into your home through the magic box.


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