I am proud of myself.

So I managed to do something I didn't think I could. This morning, I was toying with the idea of making parts of my latest recital CD available to friends who live farther away than I care to drive. I tried emailing files last year, or hooking up with a temporary internet storage, but those things weren't what I was looking for. Surely, I could find what I want from the university, right?

Right. I managed to figure out how to "turn on" my web space. Now I had to figure out how to make it "go". Saying "go" didn't help. I was out of ideas.

Eventually, I manged to make an index file using my word processor, get it uploaded in the proper place (I hope it was the proper place), and have it viewable on the Internet. Score! I took my fledgling command of HTML and managed to code a bland page that pointed to a file. I even managed to upload the file into the university's file architechture. What's more, I received confirmation that someone actually GOT the file. How cool is that?

The answer is: it's pretty cool.

Point of interest-- The budda is a nod to someone actually referring to me as "like a garden budda". I fail to see the resemblence.
