"When anger rises, think of the consequences."

--Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC)

I had to settle with a quote about anger, even though I'm not angry. Unfortunately, there aren't very many quotes for frustration at someone's misguided idea of decency. I'm not even really sure if "frustration" is correct either. I might say "disappointed", but that implies a level of personal emotional connection that I don't have in this case. Can I fleer and scoff at someone for indulging in sanctimonious behavior, when in order to do so, I also must be self-righteous?

Two wrongs may not make a right, but three rights make a left. And left with no other choice, I struggle to right my sense of what's...right. One of my personal pet peeves is holier-than-thou attitudes. Nothing brings out the fire in me like sweeping declaraitions of one's own piety and righteousness.

It's certainly not religion in general. Despite what some (apparently many) people may ascribe to me, I'm not an athiest. Those individuals who have a powerful faith I can respect, even admire, in some cases. I do not always agree with what was said by Pope John Paul II, Leopold Zunz, or Gordon Bitner Hinckley, but I can be humbled by their devotion. It can only come from a profound understanding of one's self, and acceptance of who they are inside.

It is my greatest hope that people could convert potential congregants by the force of their own examples. To be such paragons of virtue that everyone will say, "what makes that person so admirable. I wish to find out more." After all, the best friendships are those made without effort or design. And shouldn't the aim of religion be towards expanding and elaborating the friendship between an individual and the divine?

It grieves me to witness acquaintences finding others wanting because they do not believe or accept the same things. It causes me moral anguish to feel their conciliatory attitudes towards those who are not of their branch of the faith.

In spite of this entry, I have no problems in my life currently involving religion. My issue is, as usual, with but a few of the faithful and it has not shown effect in my life yet. But deprived of my daily routine, I have been given time to ruminate. And look what happens! Getting preachy. This is why I must be given something to do.

But I already worked for 6 hours today on arrangements for my recital! Maybe I need to take up jogging. Well, tomorrow is Chinese food and instrumental coaching. Sounds good to me!
