That's just disgusting.

For the last two weeks, whenever I've gone to the bathroom in the music building, I've entered the "gents" just as someone else was leaving. And without fail, that person has failed to flush the urinal. First of all, that's disgusting. Second, is pressing the lever so hard? Have we as a culture descended so far that the auto-flush toilets are the only hope we have?

My thought was, "perhaps they don't want to touch the flush lever. After all, where has it been? Attached to a toilet!" But quite frankly, all but the most ardent obsessive-compulsive would be hard pressed to find a problem with touching for the one second required to get the machinery going. Plus (and maybe this is new) they have these things in bathrooms. I think they're called "sinks". And they come with soap for washing hands, killing bacteria, and making your hands smell strangely perfumed.

But, oh! Folly! These guys also didn't wash their hands on the way out. So...I guess they really wouldn't want to touch it. They might be heading straight to lunch. And who wants to eat lunch with toilet-lever hands? Not me!

If only there were some way to clean my hands! Alas! Verily, alas. And alack.
