
It's the new Old fad that's sweeping the nation!

Perhaps we live in a geocentric universe. That is, the entirety of the observable universe revolves around the earth, which does not move from its prescribed location. It doesn't even turn! It's just always still.

Apparently 20% of Americans believe this is true (SOURCE). One in five. What's more amazing to me is that I don't know anyone who believes this, which means the percentage in the rest of the country is just that much higher.

I guess NASA scientists just make it hard for themselves trying to calculate all those geosynchronous orbits for satellites. Anything we put up around the Earth should stay there, like hanging it on a skyhook! Isn't it amazing to think that the entire known cosmos, billions and billions of galaxies like our own, are actually spinning through the heavens. That the stars in the night sky, even the extremely distant ones that have been spotted by telescopes, are all wickedly spinning around us.

And out of everything, we don't move! Aren't we lucky? Isn't Earth special?

The international space station must have gigantic secret engines to propel it around the earth in its current 15.7 orbits per day. It's moving at 17,000 miles per hour, but due to almost no acceleration, it feels as if it is not moving at all.

WAIT! If it feels like it's not moving, but we know it is.... does that mean the Earth is....

Incredible! Whenever people are in the Space Station, watching the Earth rotate and not feeling the motion of the station, that must mean that they actually cause the Earth to start rotating! What power those three scientists on-board have!
