Exhausted! Pity the Fool!

Somehow, I got exhausted working and running around at a recital that wasn't even mine! I certainly hope I have less to do at my recital, but it's not looking good.

The location (off-campus) for my recital is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare. My dress rehearsal on Sunday didn't happen because I was forced to call my accompanist and tell him to turn around and go back home, since the piano was locked. There was no one around to talk to about it, even though the rehearsal had been planned and in the books for a month. Even I had to practically break in, just to get inside. Really puts you in the mood to perform.

And last night, my studio teacher mentioned that one of the piano professors doesn't let her studios perform in this new space. Perhaps I should think of going somewhere else, she says. Well, one good thing about all this: I used to worry about under-practiced parts and really tough musical lines. Now, I'm worried about having to climb a drainpipe and snip a padlock in order to give a musical performance. It's totally taken my mind off my performance jitters!

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From the new Snickers ad campaign. I have a Snicker's hankering. And an "A-Team" hankering. Weird.
