Seventy Questions, minus a few (including #70)

1. Are your parents married or divorced? My parents are married. To each other.

2. Are you a vegetarian? No. I enjoy meat too much.

3. Do you believe in Heaven? No. Of course, if you believe the worst will happen, then anything better is a pleasant surprise.

4. Have you ever come close to dying? Not that I can recall. However, I have the sort of personality that may have come close to dying several times, and not really put too much thought into it.

5. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? I wear no jewelry. Years ago, I wore a Celtic rune as a necklace, and the only metal I currently carry around with me are my fillings.

6. Favorite time of day? I don't really have a favorite time. I say this not because I don't have the inclination to look for an answer, but because I can equally imagine any moment of the day having some special feeling associated with it. I like the quality of light in the early morning, the business of the noon, the relaxing of the evening, and the quiet of the night.

7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? I do. In fact, I prefer them to the flowers. It must have something to do with the texture.

8. Do you wear makeup? No, unless aftershave counts. I don't even use chapstick. In fact, the only time I think I ever had makeup on was being on stage for some play. I remember the lady saying, as she rouged my cheeks, "If you don't wear it, you'll wash out on stage under the lights." Oh, and I've had lipstick transfer over after kissing.

9. Ever have plastic surgery? No. There's very little about my body that I'd wish to change. Anything I'd change, I could do through my own stubbornness (like losing weight or gaining muscle). I have no desire to change my look to anything other; if I did want to change, it would be do-able without using knives.

10. Ever colored your hair? I haven't used anything that brings new pigment to my hair. I recall my mother once using a spray on me that lightened my hair with exposure to sunlight, but I don't remember if it worked or not.

11. What do you wear to bed? Underwear. I always sleep warm, but occasionally during the winter, a night will come where I am freezing and go to bed wearing socks, pajama bottoms, and a sweatshirt.

12. Have you ever done anything illegal? I make illegal copies of sheet music sometimes. And I once described the actions at a football game without the expressed written permission of the National Football League.

13. Can you roll your tongue? Yes. Changing shape and rolling "R's".

14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows? No. Judging by how much pain is involved when I accidentally have a hair torn out from my head, I can't imagine doing that over and over. On purpose. That being said, I'd definitely do something if I had to avoid the UniBrow.

15. What kind of sneakers? I have no idea without looking at them. NewBalance, maybe? They're white and size 14, that's all that matters.

16. Do you believe in abortions? I assume this is not the "is Santa Claus real" sort of belief. I support the option of abortion. In my opinion, it is a sometimes-medically necessary procedure. They should be safe, legal, and infrequent.

17. What is your hair color? Blond, I suppose. Although I did get called a red-head by a woman this year.

18. Future child’s name? I've been mulling over "Rio" as a girl's name. I think I like it. Having said that, I have no idea how to decide upon this before actually seeing the baby. I believe I was scheduled to be named "John", but upon consideration of my face, my parents felt I didn't "look like a John".

19. Do you snore? Fiercely, though it depends on the angle of my head.

20. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? I'd like to see Egypt, with all those ancient ruins. One of many places I'd like to go.

21. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No. I remember having a bear as a kid, but I'm not sure when I gave it up.

22. If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Have a fancy dinner to celebrate my good fortune.

23. Gold or silver? I've always preferred the look of silver.

24. Hamburger or hot dog? Hamburger, definitely. Sorry, Chicago.

25. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? I never liked these questions, because I couldn't imagine a life of eating one thing without getting sick of it.

26. City, beach or country? Gosh. Since I've won the lottery, I'd like a house in all three areas.

27. What was the last thing you touched? Other than the computer keyboard, I suppose it would be the bathroom faucet. This is one of those questions where there may be two or three good answers, but most people don't have anything interesting.

28. Where did you eat last? I had cereal at my table.

29. When’s the last time you cried? Last night, watching a movie.

30. Do you read blogs? Naturally.

31. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? Whee! I get to write my answer in the future subjunctive tense. If I were to ever dress as the opposite sex, I'm sure there would be a very good reason.

32. Ever been involved with the police? Well, I did reaaaally like their album... oh, police with a small "p". I got a ticket for speeding. And pulled over for no license plate.

And once, driving home at night after a symphony concert, I pulled over to the side of a street in order to better engage in a serious conversation. The neighborhood watch called the police because a suspicious car was stopped in front of someone's house. The police came, lights flashing. I demonstrated that I wasn't a burgler, showed the ticket stubs and the fact I lived not far away, and the policewoman thanked me and left. The suspicious people continued to watch me out of their upstairs window.

33. What’s your favorite shampoo conditioner and soap? Whatever is on sale. That said, I have memories associated with many different shampoo fragrances. Some of those memories can be quite distracting when I smell them.

34. Do you talk in your sleep? Once, while relaxing, eyes closed, by the fire with my girlfriend (and being 7/8ths asleep), I earnestly explained to her how she needed to watch out for the helicopters and especially sharks.

35. Ocean or pool? I've had little experience with the ocean, but I prefer pools to lakes. I do like swimming in rivers, but only because I can usually see the bottom.

[two missing numbers]

38. Window seat or aisle? Aisle! Please! Leg room needed! Although window is preferable to the seat in the middle.

39. Ever met anyone famous? I once bumped into Julia Roberts, literally.

40. Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life? Doing good so far.

41. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I didn't realize it until this question, but I haven't eaten spaghetti in YEARS. And I suppose I twirl.

42. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? I don't think I've seen the shows of either one.

43. Basketball or Football? Football, I suppose. Being in Chicago to see Michael Jordan's days with the Bulls has diminished all subsequent basketball experiences.

44. How long do your showers last? About 10 minutes, but if I'm not careful to avoid ruminating, it can turn to 20 or 30.

45. Automatic or do you drive a stick? My '93 Honda is automatic.

46. Cake or ice cream? Cake. Unless it's really hot outside.

47. Are you self-conscious? I am extremely conscious of my body and other people's space. Witness me trying to maintain an even eye line with someone two feet short than I am.

48. Have you ever drank so much you threw up? No.

49. Have you ever given money to a beggar? Yep. Chicago. Sometimes got a Streetwise (the newspaper) out of it.

50. Have you been in love? I have.

51. Where do you wish you were? Gosh, I don't have an answer to this.

52. Are you wearing socks? No, barefoot.

53. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Not that I recall.

54. Can you tango? No.

55. Last gift you received? I had a nice present of a plate of cookies recently, in reward for just being a nice person. Positive reinforcement definitely works, as I felt compelled to do lots of nice things for more cookies.

56. Last sport you played? I can't recall. It was probably an epic lightsaber duel between myself and a seven-year old.

57. Things you spend a lot of money on? Music CDs, DVD's (in batches), electronic doohickeys

58. Where do you live? In a condo just on the Kansas side of the state line.

59. Where were you born? St. Joseph Hospital in Kirkwood, Missouri.

60. Last wedding attended? Gosh. I suppose that would be a certain wedding at Disney World. Hmm, that seems like a while ago. I went to a wedding *reception* for a Mormon couple, but I don't recall if that was before or after.

[two more missing numbers]

63. Most hated food(s)? Any animal with intact eyes. Black licorice, anice, and ouzo.

65. Can you sing? I can.

66. Last person you instant messaged? My youngest brother, probably.

67. Last place you went on holiday? I went back to St. Louis to visit my family at the beginning of May. If I consider actually going on vacation..... gosh. It might be that same wedding trip to Disney World, in October of 2003.

68. Favorite regular drink? I don't know what they consider a regular drink (non-alcoholic?), but I'll say a nice cup of mulled cider, but only when the weather is cold.

69. Current Song? "Five O'clock World" by the Vogues. I'm off to teach.


  1. Very interesting and entertaining read. I see your 70 questions minus a handful and raise you with 70 comments even. You're bluffing!

    I misread the following Q & A and I laughed, heartily.

    "19. Do you smoke? Fiercely, though it depends on the angle of my head."

    Wait a tick, however funny that is, it doesn't quite fit. Ooohhhh, "Do you snore?". That's better.

    4. Have you ever come close to dying? I have come close to dying a number times. I survived the first brush with death thanks to quick-thinking, fast-actin' you. I still think about it and appreciate what you did. I am on my second life!

  2. Haha, good stuff. Caleb says he ready for a rematch anytime!

  3. Can't say I have ever watched a wedding at Walt Disney World....How fun!

  4. Hermpton: I had totally forgotten about that whole brush with death. You can see that it wasn't terribly traumatic for ME. :)


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