10,000 calories is 9 Big Mac Value Meals

This entry is about a child who is extremely obese. It is disturbing. I am anguished by the life of this child. I am horrified at the attitude of the parents. This entry is not funny and contains no commentary (other than the appropriate tag). I originally intended to excoriate this little girl's parents, but nothing I can say can amplify the facts.

This is about Jessica. She's seven years old. She weighs approximately 490 pounds. When she was five, she weighed 200 pounds. Her typical daily diet consists of 5 liters of soda, 15 burgers with fries, and more than 2 pounds of chocolate. She regularly eats 10,000 calories a day. Her breakfast consists of white bread, chips, and a liter of soda.

Her mother says that when Jessica was a baby, she would cry, so the parents would give her a bottle. She'd keep crying, so they'd give her another. And another.

Her mother has been informed that her child is morbidly obese, and there is a significant chance Jessica will die before her next birthday. Her parents have been informed how to begin Jessica's weight loss, but her mother finds it difficult because her child is always hungry.

All information for this entry was gathered from a news report (in Dutch) or an accompanying video report (in German). All errors in translation are my responsibility.

Original story is here. Page contains video news segment.


  1. That is extremely sad.

    I find it amazing what humans will do to themselves, people they love, and even strangers. I think of human society as a billion sided die. Every eventuality will be played out. This supports my theory.


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