Blinded me with science!

Boy, do I love me some completely unintelligible but awesome science!

I have no idea what a Bose-Einstein Condensate is, but it's a fifth state of matter! And they make it using vacuums and powerful lasers that cool (?) things to a few micro-Kelvins. But the lasers aren't enough, so they cool it even further with magnets! Imagine being able to science some assorted science with science! Science!

Wow. Now that is some awesome science. The video does a great job at making me think I might have a chance at understanding this.

Otago scientists: "We use powerful and focused lasers to cool the precipitate of the target to temperatures 1,000 times cooler than anywhere else in the universe. The laser is similar to your CD player, only much stronger."

Me: "Woo! I've got a CD player. I don't know how it works, but I use it all the time. I totally get this stuff. Send me in, coach; I'm ready to stop warming the bench!"

Scientists: "Using microscopes, we can photograph this new state of matter that exhibits the wave-like properties of matter that were theorized 80 years ago."

Me: "Hey, I know what matter is. And I've heard of waves. I bet I could call these guys up and collaborate with them, or something. Maybe I could offer some fresh insight into this..."
