Age of Others

A quick and vastly incomplete set of facts about my life which I calculated:

Based on the profiles of 35 acquaintances (including myself), the average age is 24.87 years.

The younger the person, the more likely that person will be female. The youngest five are all women, and four of the top five are men.

People born on the 23rd of a month are most common. 5 of the group were born on the 23rd. My birthday is the 23. This scares and confuses me. In second place is the 10th of any month, with 3.

March has the most birthdays, 5. May has the fewest, 1.

Three dates have two birthdays. Those three days are all in the last four months of the year.

Of the 35, 18 are male. Naturally, 17 are female. 2 are married (not to each other). 2 are openly homosexual; both are men.

Seven have a first name beginning with "M". Five begin with "J".
