Did I just get hit with retroactive guilt?

Months ago, I made a careless and off-hand comment to someone. I wasn't thinking too hard about my response at the time, and I basically answered a question that was put to me with complete honesty, not bothering to think "diplomatically". Unfortunately, this is one incident where I may have been better to hold my tongue.

I'd basically forgotten about it, until it was recently brought back to my attention. And now I'm feeling retroactive guilt for all those months when I thought nothing was wrong. Plus interest.

I'm even feeling guilt because maybe nothing is wrong. What I said to this nice guy might not have registered at all, or it may have been thought about and discarded soon after.

So now I sit, no doubt until the small hours of the morning, worrying about something that may (or may not) be a big deal. It's certainly a problem for me, because I'm trying not to be the sort of person who gets into a habit of crushing other people. In this case, it was so unintentional I didn't even notice I'd stepped on him until months later.

Just a by product of being tall, I guess. And possibly insensitive.


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