Unneccesary Reunion

My high school graduating class had their ten-year reunion this week. Since my high school has a long and storied history regarding a certain Thanksgiving football game and their arch rivals, the next high school over, the organizers felt this was a better time to hook lots of people who may be in town for Thanksgiving at the parents or reliving old high school football games.

I had every intention of going to at least one of the events, but the more I thought about it, the more I hesitated. If I had attended, I would not be guaranteed to see the few people I am really curious about. The odds are good I would instead see the multitudes who I have no strong feelings about one way or the other. I'm not angry enough to hold a grudge against people who didn't like me back then. The flip side, though, is that I'm not particularly eager to make conversation with a bunch of people I used to see in the halls (and even then, I didn't know them).

It might have been another story if I had gone with someone else. With a companion, if the joint is lame, you can laugh about it. Bringing a friend along covers a LARGE set of evils. However, there's only so many times you can bring a good male friend someplace without people wondering. And there's only so many times you can bring a girlfriend (who doesn't know anyone) as a trophy / companion. I've done it once for a wedding (my poor girlfriend!) and we both agreed it wasn't fair or entertaining.

The biggest reason I didn't feel compelled is because I've done a good job keeping track of people I might want to know. A few exchanged letters over the years is enough to keep me "in the loop" of what they're up to. There are some people I wish I knew more about, true, but I know how to go about contacting them if I want to (i.e., through their parents, last known cities, etc.) So I don't feel the great push to press hands with people whose names have not had a single minutes thought from me in ten years.

If there had been a way to ensure that everyone I'd want to talk to could be there, I would have spent the money gladly. As it is, I'm not going to call the girl I had a crush on in 11th grade just to find out if she's coming.

I hear she's married, anyhow.


  1. I could not have said it better myself. I should just copy your entire entry, without the "...girl I had a crush on..." bit, and post it on my own blog. So true.


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