Is this a joke about people who are gay and fat?

I'm hunkered down for the upcoming retake of my history examination. Updates will generally be short and infrequent. Luckily, the world provides spectacular content that basically writes its own stories.


Apparently, Israel's increasing tolerance for homosexuals since the 1988 decriminalization has been causing the high number of earthquakes. According to one member of parliament, the "legitimacy of sodomy" is the cause of four earthquakes in the past three months.

Granted, he's from the ultra-orthodox party (a group who is not known for throwing great parties, to begin with). But I think it's very strange that G_d would vent his anger against gays by inflicting a region with earthquakes. Sure, He gets all the uppity progressive lawmakers and all the homosexuals, but also the righteous and a whole lotta Palestinians and Arabs. The Islamic Palestinians aren't known for their gay tolerance (they have "reeducation camps" that feature daily beatings and, oddly enough, anal insertion), so I can only assume that the earthquakes that effect where they live are for some other reason.

Like being non-believers. Yeah. Let's go with that one. Boy, it's a good thing G_d has a clearly-defined method for telling people which apocalyptic punishments are for which offenses; it prevents us from having to guess wildly.

Otherwise we might misinterpret His will.
