Language barrier

I used the word "wherefor" and was misunderstood.

I used the phrase "wouldn't go amiss" to me that something would be welcome and effective, but everyone just blinked.

I got a brief "nobody understands you sometimes" talking to.

It hasn't been a very good week in my ever-persistent journey to use more than the bare-minimum 500 operational daily words.

Add to that list "suss", "risible", "serviceable", "candor", "gauche", "avuncular", "concomitant", "mollify", "accrete" (which I had to teach to my computer just now), "prodigal", and "furtive". 

I'm starting to see why people don't let me talk anymore.


  1. "foment," "mendacity," "amorphous," "orthogonal," and "congruent" have all gotten me into trouble before.


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