Mega Nega Tivity

Never has the attitude letdown after a break been more apparent to me. I guess everyone was riding really high in the end of December, because with the first bells of 2007, everyone is coming down. Bleary-eyed and combative, people are metaphorically working uphill to accomplish their everyday stuff.

And how do I know this? Because I had to fight it off, too. I certainly wasn't ready for school to start already, even though I have an easy semester (on the whole). It took a great deal of effort to shamble into campus this morning (first day) to try to reserve a recital time at 8:00am. And trying to be on campus by 8:00 means waking at 6:00am. And waking at 6:00 means darkness indistinguishable from the previous night. Nothing makes me more frustrated and unmotivated than getting up while it's dark.

But I secured a time in the Art Museum; doesn't that sound cool? Even though it's probably a conference room with a Casio keyboard in the corner, I think the idea sounds cool. ' know... when I play music, it's art. I'll be a temporal work of art, as a very short term installation! Or something. Where's my art history friend who works at the Getty Museum and wrote her thesis on the "creative use of negative space"? I need her to run interference and think up smart-sounding pretentious claims.

Anyway, what concerns me more is that I'm getting annoyed at people who had not annoyed me previously. I don't know if that means my fuse is shorter for some reason. Perhaps they're just trying extra hard to get on my nerves? It's hard to tell. I'm going to have to watch it, though, or I might end up being curt.

And I'd like to remain Andy, if at all possible.

*** *** ***

I was shopping at the grocery and looking at the pickle shelf today, when I noticed a person pass behind me. In their wake, they left a descending cloud of a very attractive and feminine perfume. I turned my head, as most men would at such an inducement, only to find a man with a beard stocking the shelves with a couple of jars of olives. No one else in the aisle.



  1. Maybe he was Santa. And maybe you are attracted to Santa. Yes, I think that's it.


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